We Love Lillian pulls up a chair in the Lucha Lounge and talks; Internet fans, "The Wrestler", Booker T, HBK, and much more, with the ever cool, ever classy and ever....sexy, Steve De Marco
Steve De Marco has made an impact, on Independent Wrestling, and the Internet wrestling scene. A PCW Grand Slam Champion, and a former NWA Texas Champion, you may think De Marco has no time for talking to the masses via youtube, then alone a day job? To find out more i spoke to Steve:
Steve De Marco has made an impact, on Independent Wrestling, and the Internet wrestling scene. A PCW Grand Slam Champion, and a former NWA Texas Champion, you may think De Marco has no time for talking to the masses via youtube, then alone a day job? To find out more i spoke to Steve:
RL: Do people at your regular job know about you’re wrestling? How do they feel about it? And has there ever been a stray “Sexy Kick” pulled out at the office?
SD: Actually a few people do. My boss and some of the higher ups. They're supportive and allow me to take time when I need it, but I never want to abuse that privilege. It's funny. A bunch of attorneys that I worked a trial with actually got wind of my wrestling and the footage on youtube and wanted to check it out. They got a major kick out of it and actually call me "Sexy Steve" whenever they see me now. It's like I'm a superhero with a secret identity. I've been asked if I'd pull out the "Sexykick" on some of my co-workers.
RL: OK. So now moving towards how this journey of yours began, What’s you’re earliest memories of watching pro wrestling? And Who were you’re favourite wrestlers to watch growing up, would you say you’ve based you’re current style on any of them?
SD: I wanna say that the first memory of watching wrestling was watching the NWA Heavyweight Title match between Ric Flair and Kerry Von Erich at the David Von Erich Memorial show at Texas Stadium. I also remember watching alot of NWA/WCW Saturday Night that showed on TBS on Saturday afternoons. My first live event was Clash of Champions X, which was quite memorable due to Sting being kicked out of the Four Horsemen. As for favourite wrestlers growing up, Flair, Steamboat, Sting, Warrior, Hogan, Michaels were all up there with Sting being at the top of the list. As I grew older, guys like Jericho, Guerrero, Hart, Michaels (again), the Hardys, Austin and the Rock were guys I looked at. I would say that I take a bit of inspiration from all of them, but Michaels is the guy that I would emulate the most.
RL: So a lot of different guys with a variety of different styles, would u credit any of them with your decision to become a wrestler? Or was that more a thing based on a love of the business more than personal inspiration from one guy?
SD: I'd say that Shawn Michaels played a part due to his size. I saw him as more of a body size I could attain, which might have nudged me in that direction. The truth is that I've always had a passion for it. Always wanted to do it. It was something inside me, but Michaels made me go from wanting to be a wrestler, to having to be a wrestler.
RL: So you join the many many wrestlers that have said Shawn Michaels had a big role in their decision to enter the business. I'd like to touch on something else you said there, that there was something inside you that pulled you towards wrestling, do you believe that’s something fans and wrestlers alike share? A burning passion for wrestling? Can people make it n the business without it?
SD: I believe that is the common denominator within fans and wrestlers, the passion has to be there. Why else be involved? Why else watch? I think there have been instances where guys have made it into a big fed and not been completely passionate about it, but they are the exception. I believe to truly make it you have to have a passion for it.
RL: Very well said. It seems that a lot of older guys in wrestling today seem to have abit of a backlash towards internet fans, you’re proberly one of the best unbiased guys to ask this too, does the internet get a hard time from guys with in the business? Aren't they just fans with a passion voicing it? Or are these guys rite? The internet is just full of Marks who are ruining wrestling?
SD: A very thought provoking question to say the least. I think the internet fans can get a bum rap at times because I think as a whole they are fans that are enjoying the product and they do have views that are passionate. Take the old ECW crew which was filled with guys who were passionate and critical but enhanced the show. That's a good example of fans being marks but still being extremely respectful to what we, as wrestlers, do. On the other hand, I've been in conversations with a few friends who are not in the business but are marks and the conversations can get infuriating because they feel they know more, when I'm the one who's been doing it for close to 9 years. I know being in the business for any length of time puts you in a bubble and you don't necessarily want an "outside" opinion. The only issue that I've ever had is that there is a percentage of internet fans out there that are NEVER happy with anything that the product produces. They just want to complain about all of it. It kind of hurts the community's cause because then it makes the wrestler not want to listen. Being that I do the Lucha Lounge and I have a myspace, it has opened me up to listening to what the internet fans have to say. It's a fine line because in the end the wrestler gets paid to entertain, and most of the internet fans are paying to see the wrestler.
RL: How convenient of you to use the words "The Wrestler" we'll get to that later. So would you say that openining up of you listening to fans is what you get from the Lucha Lounge? What made you decide to jump on Youtube, make a page and openly talk about the business? It’s a pretty rare thing to do, I can’t think of anyone else who does it, and dought ever will.
SD: I think the Lucha Lounge just helps me open up to my audience and really earn a new audience through it. I think I've gained fans from all over and it's just interesting to see what Youtube has become. Honestly, the concept is in large part due to Ash (my former valet, Tavia, who passed on March 8, 2008). I went to her asking her for advice on how to make wrestling more fun and give people a different perspective. She's what drove me to really get on Youtube. My viewers and subscribers help keep me on. As long as there is something to talk about, I'm sure I'll continue doing it.
RL: It is a noble cause, would you continue it if you were in a WWE or TNA locker room? Have you ever received heat backstage over it? I'd imagine some wrestlers dislike it as it breaks kayfabe? Or is Kayfabe a dead as everyone says?
SD: I think it would depend. Ultimately I would hope I could continue to do both. It isn't like I'm giving away any secrets or anything...just my opinion. Funny you ask, I got some heat for mentioning Booker's school in a Q&A and not by anyone at PWA. I got it from another promotion that had started using me. They claimed that it was a conflict of interest to use me on their show if I was going to promote PWA's wrestling academy. What made me scratch my head about the whole thing is that I had done the Q&A some time before working for the other promotion, and I even mentioned them on vids. Go figure. I wouldn't say kayfabe is dead; it just may be on life support.
RL: So then people from within the business check out the Lucha Lounge? Certainly does seem like a way to get your name out, speaking of which, have you ever worked here in the UK? Especially after "That" Summerlam in '92, do you think we're an untapped market for the mainstream wrestling company's?
SD: I know of some that do watch it on a regular. They'll quote something from the video or ask me what got me into it. I even list that I'm from the Lucha Lounge just to build interest and get people talking. I've never worked in the UK, although I'd definitely like the opportunity to do so at some point. I do believe that the UK is an untapped market.
RL:I can imagine it is a talking point, as I said earlier, not every wrestler is on youtube openly taking fans questions, and talking about the ins and outs of being a wrestler. Speaking of which, have you seen "The Wrestler"? Is it a fair reflection of what life can be like for some guys in the industry? Or is it like JBL has suggested, a reflection of what it used to be, before it thankfully moved on?
SD: I did see "The Wrestler" on-line at Megavideo, but only because the movie has yet to have a Showtime here. I will go watch it again when it's released here. I think it is a fair reflection for some guys back in the day. I would say that I can see some similarities between Mickey Rourke's character and some of the veterans I've crossed paths with. I don't believe that guys of this generation go through what he went through, but there are some similarities. The business is different in some respects.
RL: One thing i’d like to ask from a personal point of view is what do wrestlers think about the PWI 500, and Dave Metzlers 5 star rating system? I’ve seen interviews in the past where the likes of CM Punk and Samoa Joe wernt over awed by reciving a 5 star match award, is this a common thing in the buisness? Is it all about the performance more than the actual rewards? Are you proud of you’r championship wins? Or more so of entertaining the people who saw thoss matches. What i mean is (and no offense by it) any championship a wrestler wins, they ddint actually “win” in a contest, they were awarded it, so what are you’re feelings afterwards? Are the tears and so on legit when guys pull that out? did the PWI 500 hold big significance for you when you were mentioned in it?
SD: I think the star rating has it's good and bad points. I don't really know of anyone within my circle or group that pays attention to a star rating. I mean we aren't really aware of the rating that a match is given. The only we can tell if the match was good or not was strictly by the fans' reaction. I'll ask guys about my performance and what they thought, especially the veterans or guys who are up in a big company, as well as my opponent. So, the short answer is it's more about the performance rather than the awards. I'm proud of my championship wins. They're some of my fondest memories. Maybe not every title win, but most of them. I feel that when a company bestows a belt on you, they are saying that they believe that you can carry it. That you're the face of the company or the division or what have you. My feelings are usually a feeling of accomplishment. When I won the PCW title at XXXMas 2004, for instance, I did have tears. It was just the entire moment. There I was, having gone through 3 very different opponents in one night, and having been put over on Hernandez (when at the time he hadn't lost to anyone at PCW). I was excited about the win and very touched that the company put it on me. I believe, even if some consider it a prop, that the person holding the belt can make it important and seem legit. That's what I've always aspired to do. As for the PWI 500, it's cool anytime I'm mentioned on there. I felt it was cool to be put on the PWI the times that I was. It definitely was pretty significant for me, because then I started to feel like I was getting noticed. It helps when someone within a promotion submits stuff and gets themselves on PWI's radar, because then it helps that promotions roster.
RL: Ok then, i'd like to go through a few names at you for a quick round of word assosiation if you wouldnt mind?
RL: Booker T:
SD: Great mentor. Always on.
SD: A company with a bright future.
SD: One of the few that could be a successor to the original ECW.
RL: The Origional ECW:
SD: A once in a million company that made the most with what it had and revolutionized the way
people in the states viewed wrestling.
RL: The NWA:
SD: Hopefully 2009 will be the year it reclaims its glory.
RL: Ric Flair:
RL: Terry Funk:
SD: A true legend in every sense of the word and I'm still in awe of him
RL: Vince McMahon:
SD: My future boss! (One has to dream.)
RL: Steve De Marco:
SD: There's no show without him!
RL: I’ve gotta say, that line gets me every time, you must put “there’s no show without Steve
De Marco” on a t-shirt
SD: I've thought about that as a shirt. I have a few others. Just have to come up with the funds to have shirts printed. One of the pains of being in the indy's is having to put money aside for your own merch, but this might be the year to do that.
RL: And to finish up, i feel it wouldnt be rite if i didnt let you get in any quick tidbits or shamless plugs?
SD: Tidbits or shameless plugs, obviously the Youtube channel, the myspace page, the de marco fan nation youtube channel, the wikipedia entry...and anything else with my name on it. My plan is at every show to make it a party for everyone. To give everyone a reason to "de MARKout". There isn't anything wrong with that. I also want to prove that it isn't just a catchphrase, there "there really is no show without Steve De Marco". On a personal note, I just want this to be the year that I get more than noticed. I'm really the only worker who comes on YouTube and does what I do. You get more than highlights, you get more than just a promo, you get Steve De Marco. I want the wrestling world, the casual fan, and the internet community to not only take notice but to voice their approval for what I do. In a way, I no longer want to answer the question, "Why haven't I been hired by a major company?" I want people to ask, "How can I help this guy get noticed?" I do feel that I've made strided, but it's only the beginning. I'll do my part and entertain wherever I go, I just need a place to go. In the end, I want to make the Lucha Lounge into a movement of sorts where everyone can visit and discuss and be passionate about professional wrestling, sports entertainment, or whatever you want to call it. The passion still flows in my veins. If I make it to a big federation or become a big name within the business, then I'm bringing all of the people who support me and are fans of me with me.
RL: In Conclussion, everyone here at We Love Lillian would like to thanks Steve for his time and effort in giving his this interview, we can honestly say that he's the best dam wrestler we've ever interviewd!
Here's all Steve's links, check him out!
The Lucha Lounge: http://uk.youtube.com/user/dmarco1125
Steve De Marco Fan Nation: http://uk.youtube.com/user/demarcofannation
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/stevedemarco
Wikedpedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_De_Marco
1 comment:
Naturally I think this is a wonderful interview, but it seems that now... "There is no interview without Steve De Marco".
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