"Benoit is living his dream, finally, finally by god finally Chris Benoit has become the Heavyweight Champion of this world."
Smack bang in the middle of the world's most famous arena Madison Square Garden in front of 20,000 people Chris Benoit won not only the world title, but arguably the title of "the people's champion".
Have no doubt about it; Christopher Micheal Benoit was one of the finest wrestlers to have ever graced the squared circle.
"He was the Michael Jordan of our sport"
Record setting 8-time WWE Inter Continental Champion and the first ever Undisputed Champion, Chris Jericho.
"He could be the best"
Former 23 month long ECW World TV champion and former WWE & ECW Champion, Rob Van Dam.
"He was one of the greatest to ever put on a pair of boots"
12 time World tag team champion and Former WWE & World Heavyweight Champion, Edge.
He had the utmost respect from the locker room, and was worshiped by "Smart Fans" around the globe. This was a man who had been pushed not for his "market-ability", not for his catchy one-liners, not for anything he said to anyone backstage; but because this man was damn good at what he did, and those fans smart enough to appreciate it, certainly did.
After a Royal Rumble victory, from number one, Chris Benoit was going to headline Wrestlemania. There he would be thrown into a very personal feud between Triple H and Shawn Michael's. The "hatred" between the two had been put over well, and with Triple H stating on many occasions that his opponents ego's would be there downfall, this was set up perfectly, and on the 14th of March, this match was anyone's.
Recently Shawn Michael's became "the man" by defeating Ric Flair, and on this night he showed why he always had the potential to take that crown from the "Nature Boy".
Triple H at this stage was plain and simply the biggest thing in the industry at this time. Multiple time World Champion, aligned with arguably the best ever and a damn good heel persona with enough in ring ability to have very good matches, but also to be carried to greatness if in the ring with the right company. Boy was he in the ring with the right company.
From the get-go, the mouth waterering aspect of Michaels v Benoit was played off. They spared as the champion found it hard to stay in the ring. "The Game" became more and more involved though, with near misses on the Crippler Crossface and the Pedigree early on keeping the crowd on edge. Shawn Michael's hit a Moonsault to the outside, which beggars belief considering he was wrestling with a once broken back.
After the Crossface finally went on someone, HHH and Michaels showed us a new way to escape a submission, with the champ grabbing the "Heart-Break Kid's" hand as it was on the way to tapping.
The dynamic changed once more as Michaels was bust open. He lost so much blood, just watching him carry on made you feel exhausted. The champ was then next to bleed. The canvas was blood-stained. And canvas is the right word, as these three put on a masterpiece.
Benoit was yet to bleed, however, he did take one of the most sickening bumps I've ever seen. A double suplex-come slam, saw the Canadian crash through the announce table, to the loud chants of "Holy Shit!"
The image of Shawn Michael's standing, plastered in blood, calling his old adversary into the ring to finish there rivarly at the main event of Wrestlemania, was another hugely memorable moment of a hugely memorable match and event.
Boos rang round, this crowd genuinely thought this was over after HHH hit the pedigree. After all, Goldberg was arguably just as over as Benoit when he was screwed out of the belt.
Benoit chants rang around as HHH crawled to a cover, but it wasn't over yet.
"The Canadian Crippler" escaped another Pedigree, and it looked like his moment had come when the Sharp Shooter was locked in. "The Game" scrambled, and after he had finger tips, no-more, on the bottom rope, it looked over.
Enter HBK (who knows a thing or two about Sharp Shooters) to seemingly crush Benoit's jaw with Sweet Chin Music.
"Its over, they cant have him kick out of that, it was sickening!"
But we were wrong. A delayed cover only produced two. Another super kick would not... But Michael's was dumped out of the ring, and with that out of the match, his night was done.
The big finish was on the way. Another Pedigree was countered, this time into the Crossface, and the moment had arrived.
Attempts to roll to the ropes only left the Champ in the middle of the ring. And he had no choice. Que the water works.
18 years in the waiting.
After a farsicle stint as WCW champion, Benoit finally became a World Champion. And this moment really was why this match, this night, was so special.
The WWE had FINALLY given something back.
Given back to a performer who worked at least just as hard as anyone else, who always hit the heights with his performance's and often stole the show while in the mid card.
Finally, they had given back to a crowd that had stayed loyal and wanted wrestlers not entertainers on there screens every Monday.
Chris Benoit gave them this and was rewarded with a moment that would have lasted a much longer lifetime, the scenes of Benoit and Guererro.
Benoit and his family will always live in the memory of those physically drained fans who had just seen a classic.
Pro-Wrestling has had few "Where were you when?" moments.
This was one. One for the ages.
- Richard Lewis
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