Saturday 5 July 2008

WWE: The Zheng State.

So each of the WWE's brand's have had there first real show post draft. Night of Champions has been and gone, and WWE swerved us without having to swerve us. Only the ECW title changed brands, going from RAW, back to ECW, which hardly came as a big surprise. So lets review, who's now set to do what and where.

John Cena, 5 years into his career has a large responsibility on his shoulders, doing the Undertakers job. As im sure Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Brock Lesnar and JBL would agree, you're best chance of getting over by going over, was on Smackdown with the Deadman. Cena, for now, holds that responsibility. Don't get me wrong, Cena isn't winding down and getting ready to be "good for business" and just help establish people to take his spot, but he is the main man on RAW, and as I'm sure Mr. Punk will find out, until you beat Cena, you are nothing on that show.

Rey Mysterio to RAW is another interesting one, though his segment with Santino Marella was abit worrying, JR's reaction to his draft seem to give him credibility, almost a shame he wont have JR to make him sound better, though there does seem to be momentum behind Rey, and possibly his main event status is about to be restored. Batista continues to be that cold you just cant shake, but he is over, and with not too much mid card talent bouncing around, some decent non-title feuds could be in the offering, whether he gets the rub from them or the other guy, really is all up to him.

CM Punk, transitional champion? Probably. Him winning the title a mark out moment? Definitely! Punk like Batista, has his future in his own hands, work his arse off and maybe crack a smile backstage, and he could be on to main event status, considering they gave him the belt before his second year on the full roster was over, he's gotta be thinking he has a chance, especially with no Triple H around.

Speaking of the Game, his move to Smackdown is a master stroke. Edge is great, but if he wants to be hall of fame great, he needs to work a good program with HHH, and get the belt off him at a "big four" ppv. This move will work for everyone, RAW's main event is wide open, and think of the possibilities for Smackdown, so many fresh new feuds that he hasn't had, and when a guy like Triple H has been in a company for such a long time, the chance to do something fresh with him is rare, lets hope the WWE take it.

So now who's the cast of characters to challenge him? Obviously Edge, heads (get it?) the Que, Taker will most likely re-apear on RAW, so again this is wide open. Kennedy has the "it" factor, no dought, and now the face turn has been rubbished, him causing trouble for possibly the top face in the company could be good for him, Umaga in my opinion should be in JBL's spot, they should have made him a main event heel on RAW a long time ago, however, since they haven't, I'm glad to see him on Smackdown, when the WWE let him get through his full arsenal he's as exciting a big man as they have. And of course, Jeff Hardy, if he was willing to just say no, he'd probably be WWE champion now, or at least the former WWE champion, its his own fault, and he knows that. But, he's done his time, and now people need to get behind him, as they appear to be, so much could be made of a Jeff Hardy V Edge feud, Kennedy would be another good option, but please not Umaga again.

And finally ECW. With there champion and top name gone, not to mention there brightest up and coming star, you may think its best to just close that brand and move on? Certainly not, Paul Heyman knows allot more about wrestling than me, and if he's willing to say that the Miz and Morrison are the best tag team in pro-wrestling at the minute, I'm happy to agree. Though you do worry what happens when those belts go back to smackdown. Shelton Benjamin passed though the "Land of Extreme" all too easily for my liking, but we'll se where he goes on SD! Matt Sydal is a highly exciting talent, ready to show the world how good he really his, Mark Henry is, well, better than Khali and Bid Daddy V. Teddy Long stating he was bringing in a "superstar inicitive" is good news, though Atlas Ortiz did himself no favors, the likes of Colt Cabana, Ron Killings, Chris Harris and the re-vamped Kevin Thorn, may. Oh, am i forgetting The Dragon?

So it's all change, RAW and ECW's ratings went up, change is a good thing, but this new buzz wont last forever, so its over the creative to do something with this mix of talent.
-Richard Lewis
A classic Promo from the new World Champ:

Steve Corino and Colt Cabana amuse Japan:

And Corino explains how things happen backstage: